
"Every jewel on my crown, you better believe I earned it..."

 I've always had a hard time with titles. Blogging or vlogging. *Sigh* This title is from a country song, it's one of my favorites. 

Yes, I can be an evil, sadistic, Bitch from hell. I try to warn people but when they push my buttons, I can only take so much. I don't think I have a friend on earth who hasn't seen me lose my shit. I'm like a can of coke, you can only shake me so much before I explode. You're not running me off. Just be careful who you mess with, tt is very easily manipulated if you know how to code. I have 3 coders in my immediate family and I have a lot of long time friends that do the same. Contrary to popular belief, I do not enjoy being mean. I just want to find like minded people that I can relate too. That's never an easy task. I'm a writer by nature, so I comment a lot. Some people take those comments to heart. I grew a spine but SOME people are sensitive as fuuuuccck on tt. Psst- Your inexperience is showing. I make one constructive criticism comment on a video, while high on narcotics in the hospital, to the cutest content creator ... Well let's just say it didn't go well. Do I regret it? No, I barely remember it. What part of "high on narcotics" do you not comprehend? 😂 They changed their content though. Quit making those stupid videos that started off telling people what not to do. Bitch, I'm GROWN. Don't dictate to me how you think I should act when you're not fucking perfect. I said what I said and it wasn't even THAT bad. 😆 Hell, my friends offline thought it was a decent comment. Since 8 or so were shadowing me at the time. I'm always being watched and I'm ok with that. Just tell me & don't be sneaky about it. You give yourself away. THAT'S what pissed me off. (You scared of me yet? 😉😂 Just wait, Sugar Bear.😘)

Pictures/Video ... This is Always a hot topic. It's no big deal, really. I have zoom & Skype if it's that important to you. Just don't expect me to upload a video of myself for the world to see. I'm not a performer. I don't lip sync. I'm private. When you're trying to build from the ashes of your past, that you've burned to the ground, you're first lesson is that everything you do for the world to witness, will follow you forever. I can't risk it. I'm working towards something.

I had to deactivate my last channel, even though I was pulling in enough money to live on, you would only get a glimpse of me in the mirrors, if any were around. 😂 oh .. And I wasn't known as "Renea" 😂. It's funny to me because the only folks that "Got It", were female. Could it be all those murder mysteries and arm chair detectives out in the world, are mostly females? All of my hospital videos showed my First name, it starts with a G. That's what most folks know me as. Only my friends call me Renea. Even in my business now, they don't call me "Renea". It's usually just "G". I hear a Renea & I will pretend I don't. I know, I'm weird. I just like to know who I'm dealing with. If you think not separating your own identity isn't worth it, Do Not go viral on YouTube. Trust Me, it's hell in a hand basket. I'm not even joking. We had to call the kids by their middle names so they wouldn't be as easy to call out too. You know kids, call them by their name that they use on a daily basis and they will come running! We , I say " we" because I was married when we started that little shit show in 2007! That's a long time to have a channel on YouTube. 

The filming wasn't the worst part. I never ran out of ideas because I recorded life. It was the hours and hours of editing that would suck the life out of me. My viewers would watch an hour a night. A video would be recorded on a Saturday or Sunday and started from the time I woke up until I went to bed that night. 12 - 15 hours on 4-8 SD cards from my GoPro. Would produce 5 videos of quality content.

I was always a week behind. My viewers got to see 4 of my marriages, countless relationships, one of which was a poly relationship, steps, baby momma drama (I have a weird sense of humor), farm life and how it wasn't a bed of roses, plus me working other jobs, our vacations (which mainly consisted of camping .. In tents ) and then me joke about living like "hobos". We even got a video or 12 of us tubing down the Chattahoochee River.  Mail unboxing videos were the most tedious and took the most time. We recorded 1 and the rest were Live. Wednesday nights were our " Live" nights and sometimes I wasn't even there so the older kids did them. I didn't care until people started recognizing me in public... That came with a lot of baggage, it made me a target and I would have to literally quit my job to get away from the hoopla. You can ask people nicely to respect your privacy but they got offended and did whatever the hell they wanted too.

I took the kids to their first YouTube award show in 2008 that recognized the best videos from 2007. We were nominated but didn't win. The hood rats had a good time tho. They were each given a bag of swag and YouTube had an all you can eat buffet that they decimated. Acting like all I fed them was bread & water. Jake said "Quit threatening to kill them, people are starting to stare." 😂. I only had the 4 girls at that time, the other 5 came later. We met a lot of creators!! Became good friends with a lot of them and even had collabs with a lot of them, later on.

If you've found my personal account on YouTube, Congratulations! 👏👏😆 It's the only account at this point in time. I have made sure of it. Might I suggest the 2017 playlist? It has all my favorite songs on there. Country, Rap, Alt & Hiphop.

Once in a blue moon, I will be with my sissy on her YouTube channel. She recently had triplets & hasn't been on much (2 boys & a girl!!), heck.. they're almost 4 months old now. Her channel is all about cosmetics by the way. How many beauty creators are you willing to search through? 😅 Just Don't. I offered Skype or zoom. 


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