
A conversation amongst strangers (Story Time!)

 Now... I started this blog back in 2005, I have a lot of posts in draft mode that will never see the light of day again. Old contest posts and other things such as reviews I was paid to do and advertise for a short period of time, but not forever. Things like that. 

I did try to make money off this blog, at one time. Not any more. The reason I stopped was because of a conversation that took place in my comments. A woman who was entering a contest did not appreciate being asked to sign up for something that would email her multiple times causing her undue stress. She was very verbal about it and hateful. Followed all my social media and commented everywhere about her unhappiness for that one giveaway. 

Needless to say, she didn't win. She never completed that first entry and the prize was a $25 gift card. 

It completely flabbergasted me how extreme and rude she was. I really didn't have $25 at the time, to just give away without people signing up for that first entry that would send you 3 emails a year. I had 9 kids in my home and that $25 meant we didn't have to eat beans and rice for every meal with water to drink. They could eat beans and rice and have milk to drink. The only funny thing here is, I'm not joking.

Feeding 11 people and sometimes 10 or 14 (friends of the kids , 10 when it was just me and the kids because 5 of them became orphans overnight when he decided he didn't want to be a daddy anymore but they weren't my biological children to begin with!!)

Fast forward a few years and the woman who was so adamant about 3 emails starts her own blog and every giveaway is her begging you to click her links and your email account gets full of bs, guess who never enters? Meee. She even did the "be active on my posts for a $5 Amazon gift card", so she would win more and people figured her out. 

I wasn't the only blogger she attacked.

She got run off the first time, because the " right" members weren't winning. She made so many profiles and had them winning so she could look good, she's back at it again. Any page or group on FB that tells you to "be active" and they restrict you from knowing who they are, has reasons for wanting to be so private. I'm not helping her win by clicking her links. You can all quit tagging me on her shit.

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