
YT - Need to Make Money Now? Here's How!

The very first video I saw from this channel was this guy jumping into a dumpster, literally, flying through the air and landing inside a dumpster!

Oh, but this is not your typical dumpster diver. This is Scrap Vulture!!

Scrap Vulture (SV) is all about showing his viewers how to make money by finding scrap (& Other things) to sell at the scrap yard ( or eBay & Amazon).

If you need a way of making some quick cash, you just need to know where to look.

What to look for is simple. Metal! Scrap Vulture can teach you what kinds of metal to get.

SV isn't going to lie to you, this is work! If you need to make a quick buck, this is an honest way of getting paid.

I like watching all of Scrap Vultures videos. Whether he's scrapping on his motorcycle,

on his bicycle,

Or on his scooter!

Scrap Vulture has a very likeable personality and he loves to show his viewers his pets. (Which we love to see!)

Plus he's got a sense of humor. I know I re-watched 30 videos in the hopes of finding the "i'm being followed" video. I think it's the funniest video Scrap Vulture put out.

Subscribe to Scrap Vulture to see more of his videos!

This channel has more than just dumpster videos. Watch Scrap Vultures creek picking videos, bike trail videos and more!

This is recycling at its finest.

Hope you enjoyed my review of this awesome channel. Show your support by sharing this post or leaving a comment.



  1. Very interesting ways to make cash!

  2. Wow, he is really willing to work for it! Seems dangerous to me.

  3. oh i would love to give these ideas a shot.

  4. Well this looks interesting! I'm not sure that's the best way for me to make extra money, but it's fun to watch him!
    Ashley C
    Addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

  5. I am always on the lookout for ways to make money. I love watching recycling and reselling videos.

  6. Surprising what you can find, another mans trash....

  7. my father was a dumpster diver and made good money at it i was always afraid he would get hurt he was well into his 80's when he stopped

  8. Well some very interesting ideas here
