
YT - Hustle, Grind, Rewind. You Think You Work Hard?

My next channel up for review is clearly one of my favorites. It's the first channel I look for on my notifications tab. I comment sometimes (Renea G.) and I always click the like button then share it to Twitter!

We have all seen Storage Hunters and if you haven't, you must be living under a rock! This guy Mike was on Storage Hunters at one time, now he's on YouTube.

In a totally unscripted, unbiased view of how life is when you buy storage lockers for resell. Mike shows every aspect of his business in the storage auction world. I literally laugh at something during every episode. The hilarious,  quick witted, dry humor is refreshing.

You want entertainment on YouTube? Check this channel out! Follow Mike around as he shows the true side of making money from buying storage lockers. Meet his helpers - including his sexy uncle Mike, Alex, Anthony & more. Meet his family, especially Michaela & Michael! Meet his buddies including "errol" (Harold "The 82 Love Machine)!

The shenanigans at the flea market, are a hoot! Everything from pranking customers to pranking each other.

Watch how you really make money from buying units! Not every storage locker has a big money score waiting to be discovered! Most of the time the only money you're going to find, comes from hustling your wares at the flea!

Storage Auction Pirate offers bonus footage of his business on his Facebook page in the form of Live videos.

Once you get hooked on these videos, just think ... There are over 500 videos left to watch. Binge watching is encouraged!

Subscribe to Storage Auction Pirate and click the links on his banner to connect with his social media!

Hope you enjoyed my review!
Leave a comment below and let me know what you think.



  1. Great treasure hunting adventures. Unconventional and cool discovery

  2. I have never seen Storage Wars. What am I missing, lol. Thanks for posting!

  3. I have seen the show and you are right.... He has you laughing at least once a show :)

  4. I have watched that show and enjoyed it. I can see myself easily getting hooked on doing that.

  5. Such a great show. Always look forward to the next one. I hope there are many more years to come.

  6. I would love to treasure hunt, and pan for gold. I love adventurous people.

  7. I’m gonna have to binge watch this! I know I’ll love it because I’m a big fan of Storage Hunters!

  8. Sounds like a cool channel! My whole family loved watching Storage Wars!

  9. I am going to have to watch this, It looks like it would be fun to watch.

  10. Well I've never seen Storage Hunters so I must be living under a rock...plus I rarely watch TV and I'm too cheap to buy cable, lol. Thanks for posting!

  11. I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic. side hustle for moms
